self-care, yoga

3 Easy Ways to fit self-care into your schedule!

🌟 Three years ago, I made a promise that I would prioritize self-care in my own life. This was one of my so-called, β€œnon-negotiables,” in life. I declared I would put myself first and take care of my needs so that when I give back to others I am whole and authentic. Self-care is the… Continue reading 3 Easy Ways to fit self-care into your schedule!

Life, yoga

Yoga for EveryBODY

Lately something very disturbing has been brought to my attention. I can sit around a preach that yoga is for everyone and as long as you can breathe, you can do yoga but that couldn't be further from the truth. Confused? Let me explain. One week ago today, I was teaching a yoga class and… Continue reading Yoga for EveryBODY

Life, yoga

3 Biggest Life Lessons

I’m young, inexperienced and naΓ―ve. At 23, I’ve been through heartache, loss, love, lust and I’ve learned to adapt to the wild ride that is life. And although I’ve only made 23 revolutions around the sun, I continue to grow and learn every moment I’m alive. Today I present to you the 3 biggest life… Continue reading 3 Biggest Life Lessons

Enviornment, vegan, yoga, Yoga Blog

The (un) vegan yogi

I’m not a vegan. I do yoga. Contrary to popular belief, these two things don’t always go hand in hand. I’ve been criticized for this β€œhypocrisy” but most of those criticizers don't even give me the time of day to explain myself. So, this blog is for you (vegan) haters.Β  In the Yoga world, there… Continue reading The (un) vegan yogi

Life, yoga, Yoga Blog

Skinny mini: A yoga girls journey of disordered eating

"You have thick thighs, Kaila." My gymnastics coach must have seen my face because she took those words back as soon as she'd said them. "No. Thick thighs are a good thing for power as a gymnast. Look at Coach Melissa's thighs, they're nice and thick like yours!" I was 13 years old when my… Continue reading Skinny mini: A yoga girls journey of disordered eating

Life, travel, yoga, Yoga Blog

The Yoga Stalker

I have a stalker. He doesn't follow me home or look through my windows at night but that doesn't make him any less of a stalker. But before you tell me I'm using the word "stalker" incorrectly or accusing someone of false behavior, let me give you the definition of the word according to… Continue reading The Yoga Stalker

Life, travel blog, yoga, Yoga Blog

Pisces Soul and Yogi Toes: A tale of letting go

New Years brings with it a fresh start and a clean slate. Towards the end of the year, I hung on to resentment towards people in my life and made the decision to let all of that go. Here’s the tale of being a stubborn Pisces and how the wisdom of the meditation practice in yoga helped me find forgiveness in others and with myself. Namaste, Kay.

travel, travel blog, yoga, Yoga Blog

Letting go- why I quit my yoga job

Last week, I stepped away from my yoga studio job and it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. Teaching yoga is my passion and I️ can’t think of a better path to pursue. But I decided to step away from something that no longer served my life and I hope I can inspire you to do the same. I feel happier, lighter and ready for the next page of this grand adventure.
Namaste, Kay.

travel, travel blog, yoga, Yoga Blog

A Yogi goes to GREECE

It was settled. I was headed to Nicaragua for a week to teach yoga, swing in a hammock, surf, play and be caught up in the magic ooeey-ness of wanderlust as I explored a new country. Life had other plans for me. Instead, I️ was caught up in a whirlwind of confusion. I️ was your… Continue reading A Yogi goes to GREECE